Version |
150040 |
Planned for 31.03.2025 |
General |
We further strengthened our cyberdefences using additional certificates |
Family |
We added the capability to copy transformed passwords and PINs without disclosing its contents |
We increased the default length of our password generator to the range of 17 to 23 characters |
We added the possibility to add hyperlinks in the Codes Tab |
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Version |
150030 |
Released 28.02.2025 |
General |
We added the parameter MP_BACKUP_INTERVAL (in days) that provides a visual warning on the home page if a new backup is recommended |
We added a diagnostic tool to detect missing Office 365 libraries |
The AI/ML image serach and ChatGPT calls terminate with a warning if there is no internet connectivity |
Succession |
The parameters MP_SUCCESSION_NAME1 and MP_SUCCESSION_NAME2 allow you to customize the asset owernship names |
Statements |
We added a report for the financial planning summary and detail |
Taxes |
When copying an existing tax return the currency codes are copied as well |
Collectibles |
Relevant object properties are now initialized from the equipment objects (manufacturer, model, serial number) |
The detail pictures are shown with a border, improving the screen ergonomics |
The binder report now shows exactly the monetary values as entered |
In some cases the generation of the collection binders would not complete correctly |
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Version |
150025 |
Released 31.01.2025 |
General |
We added the capability to launch corrective actions directly from the Control Panel |
ChatGPT is now included for free for users under maintenance |
Succession |
We added a supporting dictionary of main topics to be considered during prepatation of the succesion directives |
We added AI/ML support for establishing sucession directives |
The ergonomy of the succession directives forms and reports have been improved |
The health care wishes field has been deprecated |
Taxes |
Under some coditions it was not possible to add a new tax return |
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Version |
150023 |
Released 01.01.2025 |
General |
We fixed an error whereby the currencies would not be initialized in the first year |
Cellar |
We published an introductory video for the cellar module |
Adding new bottles can now be done directly from the wine catalog (summary and detail) |
Under certain conditions it was not possible to delete cellar transactions |
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Version |
150020 |
Released 18.12.2024 |
General |
Users can now download and install the latest version of the demonstration data |
Selecting the export function (with or without attachments) from the first tab of a module will export data for data of all tabs in list mode for the currently selected item on the left |
After recoloring the series of an analytics page the legend names are no longer changed |
We corrected an issue whereby a global search of the database would not complete under certain conditions |
Insurances |
We changed the description field to dropdown on the insurance risk analysis to allow for faster input |
Accounts |
For bank to bank movements, the account holder of the counterparty is now also automatically set on incoming transfers (previously only on outgoing transfers) |
Payments |
In some cases the previous allocations for invoices were not shown |
We fixed an issue where in some cases the invoice would be locked after scanning |
The document source for attached files is now correctly set |
When registering invoices paid through a 3rd party system the due date can now be used to set the actual payment date |
We improved the display of fields for direct debits |
We added a new parameter allowing to specify a default number of payment days. This is in addition to the default payment days set in the supplier record |
Statements |
We added the option to select/unselect entries on the long-term financial planning sheet to facilitate focused analysis |
We have improved the layout of the long term financial planning charts |
Travel |
The itinerary detail now supports date/time format (previously date only) and supports an additional type dropdown field |
The flight dates are now in date/time format (previously date only) |
The CO2 emissions for private jet flights are now also supported |
Cellar |
The best after, best before and peak year are now automatically transferred to the cellar evaluation records |
During a wine purchase the best before, best after and peak year can be retrieved using AI/ML, as well as supporting notes |
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Version |
150010 |
Released 30.11.2024 |
General |
We corrected a bug whereby in some cased deleting an attachment would delete the record at the same time |
Pension fund |
We corrected a bug whereby the closing balance of a pension fund statement would not be automatically converted to home currency |
Mortgages |
We corrected an issue with mortgage payment installments |
We added a summary report with averages and closing balances for the mortgages to support long-term financial planning |
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Version |
150006 |
Released 19.11.2024 |
General |
When posting from within account statements the attachment icon is set correctly in the destination record |
Family |
We corrected a bug whereby the export of codes to Excel would not work |
Health |
We corrected a bug whereby the export of processed health invoices to Excel would not work |
We updated the Laboratory Values Excel sheet to include annotations for a blood measure |
We added AI/ML support in the Blood Measure templates to retrieve an explanation of a blood measure and its possible implications |
Insurances |
We added AI/ML support to generate key considerations to take in to account when evaluating insurance policies |
Ecology |
We added AI/ML support to review the family's CO2 footprint and provide recommendations |
Statements |
We implemented a new tab allowing for top-down long-term financial planning |
Budget |
The budget module is now included in the Essentials version |
Taxes |
We corrected a bug whereby in some cases you could not export tax deductible documents to Excel |
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Version |
100100 |
Released 26.09.2024 |
General |
We have integrated Microsoft's AI/ML engine into MyPrivate and will gradually rollout new use cases |
Health |
We added the possibility to register intra-ocular pressure in the health measures |
We have integrated AI/ML support to generate a recommended set of vaccine for a family member |
We have added the capability to print a donor codicil for a family member |
We have integrated AI/ML support to generate a donor codicil based on the main considerations of a family member |
Pets |
We have integrated AI/ML support to generate a recommended set of vaccine for your animal |
Tenants |
We added the number of nights on the rental income form for one-off rentals |
Vehicles |
Before generating automatic vehicle depreciation the user is warned to extend the year selection up to the purchase |
Insurances |
We added tabs to register and analyse risks, maximum exposure and insured risk |
Talent |
We have added a new tab allowing the definition of the Family's vision and mission |
We have improved the layout of the Rokeach Family values form |
We have improved the layout and the playing cards for the Rokeach Family values |
We fixed a bug whereby the Development module would not open correctly in some cases |
We have integrated AI/ML support to help the Family establish a vision, mission and sample philantropies reflecting the priorities of the values of the family members |
Statements |
We refreshed the icon set for the Griffith ratios |
A new parameter MP_DISABLE_REFERENCE_BALANCE_SHEET permits the disabling of the copying of balance sheet data to the previous year |
By default, the balance sheet data of the year of installation of the software is copied to the previous year for initial reference |
We added a flag to the adjustments allowing to ignore entries and keep them for later reference |
Mortgages |
We corrected an issue whereby the mortgage summary screen and report would not list the values |
We corrected an issue whereby the mortgage adjustment value would affect the visualization of an overdue amount |
Nutrition |
Food recipes can be retrieved with the help of AI/ML, including ingredients and steps |
Cellar |
Wine catalog entries can be filled with the help of AI/ML, including information on the producer and grapes |
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Version |
100097 |
Released 30.08.2024 |
General |
We have corrected a bug whereby the tree control on the left of the screen would not remember which nodes were expanded |
A new tab in the control panel displays installed and not yet installed updates with detail, and possibility to manually launch the update |
We corrected a bug whereby not all fields were updated during cashflow posting; The data is corrected retroactively |
The search box is cleared when changing tab or when opening a summary form |
Personnel |
We have corrected an issue whereby the payment slip for household personnel could not be sent via email |
Statements |
By default, stocks with no corresponding market are treated as Private Equity, with a new parameter allowing to set the level of illiquidity (default: 100%) |
We have added a new tab allowing you to analyze unallocated spend as support for the creation of adjustment journal entries |
We included the non-inflation protected securities for funds as part of fixed dollar assets |
We added the possibility to explicitly identify the family home(s) improving the Griffith formula calculation |
We updated the Griffith calculation for Net Equity to represent inflation protected financial instruments |
We added the possibility to identify the inflation protected percentage of fund investments, with a default of 50% |
We have updated the Griffith calculation for non mortgage debt to include salaries payable and used credit lines |
We have updated the Griffith calculation for monthly expenditures to include financial expenses |
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Version |
100090 |
Released 16.07.2024 |
General |
We have improved the error handling when an error occurs during scanning |
We added a parameter to disable the display of the schedule on the home screen |
We have added a printable report of the schedule on the home page |
For easier adoption we have created separate versions: Essentials and Elite. Existing clients can chose which version to retain |
Equipment |
You can now add both the location and tag for each household object |
You can now enter the disposal date and disposal note directly on the equipment summary screen |
We have streamlined the description, purpose and order of household objects |
Vehicles |
We have added the units of measure in the consumption tab for US and Metric systems |
We have added the possibility to track battery range over time under different conditions |
Personnel |
We corrected an error whereby the salary slip could not be generated from an auxiliary workstation |
Accounts |
We have added a parameter allowing for simplified account statement processing |
We have corrected a bug whereby in some cases the unreconciled spend was not calculated |
Payments |
We have added an option t perform manual allocations for an invoice, and to easily copy the attachment to multiple destinations |
When the bank master data is updated for a vendor it will be copied back into the invoice |
Statements |
We have added a new account showing the amount of unreconciled spend |
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Version |
100084 |
Released 20.06.2024 |
General |
We have improved the copy/paste function for images |
We have added a number of additional default values |
We have added back the backup function |
The system now adds automatically a timestamp on newly inserted documents |
We have added a compression algorithm when pictures are inserted, ensuring good performance |
We added the possibility to run the document manager in legacy mode |
We integrated the capability to import data from the previous generation |
Talent |
We have corrected an error whereby the competency bank titles would not translate when changing language |
Payments |
When an invoice is scanned for a new supplier the IBAN and BIC is now automatically copied to the address record |
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Version |
100050 |
Released 31.05.2024 |
General |
As Microsoft has deprecated Outlook automation we have removed the corresponding function in MyPrivate |
We have integrated a new, more robust library for document scanning |
We have deprecated the integrated backup function. You must know use the integrated Windows backup utility or similar |
The DUO client has been integrated, allowing you to work from a second wokstation. Note: wired local netword required. |
The summary form for addresses has now alternate colors to facilitate the merge of addresses |
The home page miniatures are now taken automatically from the family, animals and residence modules |
We have improved the management of the attachments |
Family |
We have added the possibility to show or hide passwords and PINs |
Residence |
The calculation speed of the total cost of ownership has been greatly improved |
For rented properties, rent paid entered in the cash flow tab will be shown in the Rent column of the TCO analysis |
Equipment |
We added the possibility to mark objects no longer in inventory directly from the insurance tab |
Pension fund |
We corrected a bug whereby the pension fund contributions would not print on the report |
Accounts |
We have added the possibility to upload bank statements from Excel |
We have unified the processing of bank statements from Excel and CAMT.053 in a single form |
We have deprecated the automatic loading of CAMT files and invoices from Outlook, Folder or Office Lens |
We have added the capability to allocate bank statement entries in the same way as for invoice processing |
Statements |
Adjustments for the account statements can now be made by entity |
We have added the possibility to copy the adjustments from another year |
A new consolidation engine allows you to rollup multiple entities in a single node. An separate entity for adjustments is supported, as well as rollup into multiple functional currencies |
Portfolio |
We have added support for crypto currencies including fractional management |
Nutrition |
We improved the layout of the recipe steps (forms and reports) |
Events |
Documents that need to be attached to the eMail invite can be marked with a checkbox |
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Version |
80380 |
Released 26.06.2024 |
General |
Following an update to Microsoft Office 365 documents no longer display correctly. This version temporarily remediates this issue until we get a permanent solution from Microsoft. The fix requires Adobe Reader to be installed and set as default for PDFs. |
Health |
We enabled the possibility to delete lab value tests |
We added sort order capabilities for sections and measures allowing close control over the lab values sheet and export |
Operations |
We corrected an error in the entry field for the value of produced energy |
Power BI |
We released the customizable reporting analytics deck (available for Family Offices only) |
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Version |
80350 |
Released 31.03.2024 |
General |
We partnered with Aquarius to provide MyPrivate on MacOS platform via Parallels |
We fixed an issue whereby the document manager would not show the document after scan |
Pension fund |
When entering a new account statement the currency is automatically set |
Ecology |
We corrected an issue whereby the CO2 emissions for travel were not calculated correctly |
Accounts |
We improved the performance of the module |
Statements |
We improved the performance of the statements module |
We fixed an issue with the calculation of property values on the balance sheet |
Travel |
We have improved the layout of the travel itinerary map |
We have improved the checklist functionality and added the possibility to copy the checklist from another trip |
We added the possibility to override the number of travelers for a given flight |
We added the possibility to enter the booking reference and membership number to a flight reservation |
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Version |
80342 |
Released 30.12.2023 |
General |
A refreshed demo data set for 2024 has been prepared |
We fixed an issue whereby in some cases opening the document manager would result in a crash |
We refeshed the icons for a number of modules |
Family |
We added the possibility to enter the origin of income, including employers and trusts |
Health |
We added a progress bar during generation of the Excel file with laboratory values |
Talent |
A brand new set of capabilities has been added to support and track the Family's philantropical objectives and actions |
We renamed the module "Talent" to "Development" to better reflect its functionality |
Payments |
We improved the sort order of allocations, and moved archived items to the end of the list |
Financing |
We added the possibility to enter financing disbursements through the payments module |
Portfolio |
We fixed a bug whereby the portfolio inventory would not render under certain conditions |
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Version |
80320 |
Released 26.11.2023 |
General |
We corrected a bug whereby in some cases pasting an image would not work |
Residence |
We implemented the notion of transformation projects and WBS rollup for house improvements |
Operations |
The follow-up date for a maintenance activity can now be entered and is included in the calendar |
We added the possibility to categorize maintenance on the residence, installation and garden as Corrective, Preventive or Enhancement |
Personnel |
We have added the possibility to enter directly company details if the household employee is paid through an agency |
If you delete accidentally a settlement period, it will now be recreated automatically for you |
We added the gross salary on the Personnel Analytics |
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Version |
80315 |
Released 01.11.2023 |
General |
We improved the layout of cashflow screens across the modules |
We fixed an issue where a class of PDF documents was not rendered correctly |
Residence |
We added the payment and return of rental deposits for rented properties |
Accounts |
The new Account Insight Analytics measures to what extent spend is accurately accounted for |
Payments |
We added the possibility to define filters on incoming external documents |
We adedd support for recurring payments |
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Version |
80300 |
Released 01.10.2023 |
General |
We have completed the migration to the modern webview control for document managemen |
We added support for attachment of sound files (m4A, wav, mp4) |
We improved french and german translations of the software |
Accounts |
We added the option to re-apply the business allocation rules to a loaded CAMT file |
Budget |
We added the possibility to budget for the projected performance of each portfolio |
Mortgages |
We fixed a calculation error in the summary view |
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Version |
80290 |
Released 25.08.2023 |
General |
We have improved the translations for French and German language |
We have published a refreshed and improved set of demonstration data |
We have added the possibility to toggle checkboxes with the space bar, no longer requiring a mouse click |
On image fields for selected modules, you can now automatically search suitable images from the internet through Bing |
On image fields, you can now retrieve the last camera capture with a simple right-click |
We have increased the number of attached documents by record from 10 to 20 |
We have fixed an issue where a scan without paper in the feeder would crash the application |
Residence |
We have changed the sort order on the transformations tab for projects, showing budget items on top |
Tenants |
The rental income summary will now also include entries without a due date set |
We have added a sophisticated rental analysis tab showing rental calendar, occupancy and average rates, consolidated, by property or by rental unit |
We have added start/end dates on the rental income tab |
We have corrected and error where the rental overdue amount was not shown correctly in foreign currency |
We have improved the home screen for rental contracts |
Legal |
We have added a budget tab |
On a legal case the respective indicators for Plaintiff and defendant have been added |
We have added a tab to track a threaded course of events providing detailed documentation for further action |
We have added a tab allowing the tracking of reasoned and clean legal opinions |
We have improved the automatic sorting of judicial procedure steps |
We have added additional fields on the stakeholder tab |
Budget |
We have corrected an issue where the budget could sometimes not be created |
Taxes |
We have added the year selector on the tax summary tab |
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Version |
80280 |
Released 30.07.2023 |
General |
We have implemented the new Edge Browser control in the document manager |
On image fields the user can now use the shortcuts Ctrl-C and Vtrl-V |
Health |
The tab showing Processed Invoices has the selector enabled for export |
On the tab "Addresses" the type of address is now visible |
Accounts |
We have corrected an issue where accents were not processed correctly during CAMT import |
Payments |
We have corrected an error in the Top Allocation chart of the analytics |
Statements |
The profit or loss from the Portfolio module is now added to the change in net worth calculation |
Taxes |
The tax checklist supports now attachments, and can be copied to the following years |
We have added default values for the tax addresses |
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Version |
80240 |
Released 30.04.2023 |
General |
The account holders now receive default values |
The default length for generated values is set to 14-16 and can be customized through 2 new parameters |
The document manager has now a "save as" button, facilitating the export of documents |
Residence |
We added the insurance cost in the TCO calculation |
We refined the TCO calculation for maintenance and repair |
Tenants |
Variable rental charges can now be detailed using up to 5 different components per contracts |
We have added a notepad to the rental income tab |
Pension fund |
We corrected the calculation of the average 3 year contribution for private pensions |
Budget |
We have corrected the sort order on the budget detail report |
Taxes |
We improved the view on deductible invoices |
Portfolio |
We have improved the stability of stock quote downloads |
Collectibles |
We have corrected a bug whereby the item numbering was incorrect if multiple residences were selected |
A new tab "Benchmark" allows you to select the items to be included into the Benchmark report |
The object properties translate now automatically when the language is changed |
Cellar |
We added the possibility to print a worksheet for the cellar to capture comments and consumption |
During first time installation, we download by default the full wine catalog |
When adding new bottles, it is now possible to directly enter the years before/after/at the peak of consumption. |
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Version |
80220 |
Released 20.03.2023 |
General |
We added an option to toggle between the regular tab menu and a drop down menu providing more screen real estate |
The document manager has been simplied and now supports single page scanners with document feeder |
We added (partial) support for older scanners |
We added the foreign currency values on the cash flow summary views |
Health |
We corrected display errors in the Insight Analytics graphs |
We improved the formatting of the Health Report |
Residence |
The Project field in the transformation tab has been converted to a simple drop-down |
We corrected a bug where the value of the transformations was not always correctly included in the valuation |
We corrected an anomaly in the TCO calculation for the mortgage component |
Talent |
Printing of "competencies under development" has been disabled if there are none |
Payments |
We corrected a bug in the [Payments] tab that did not allow you to change the bank account into a portfolio account |
We added a worksheet listing possible invoice allocations |
We corrected an error in the BIC validation algorithm |
The type for incoming external documents from Outlook or a Folder are now set by default to "supplier invoice" |
For direct debits and card payments the payment date is now automatically set to the document date |
We redesigned the supplier address entry form and supplied default values |
If an IBAN is recognized and no QR is present the payment type will automatically default to IBAN |
We corrected a bug whereby an attached document would not be immediately visible during detail entry |
Statements |
We added the analysis for the change in net worth |
We added 2 accounts on the balance sheets to capture incoming/outgoing liquidity on a date in the future |
Collectibles |
We added an inventory count list to support the periodic counting process |
We corrected a bug whereby some objects could not be deleted |
We have added a field for the tag of an object |
We added the Insights page to the module |
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Version |
80203 |
Released 30.01.2023 |
General |
We have quadrupled the speed of conversion of scanned documents into PDF format |
We have added support for duplex scanners with manual feed |
We have refreshed the icons for selected modules |
We have added the possibility to leverage the FoxIt PDF reader for Document Management, providing a better user experience |
Health |
We have added a new "Hold" status for health invoices requiring clarification |
We have added the possibility to update the invoice processing status directly from the summary screen |
We have streamlined the health invoice detail view |
A new report allows you to print a weekly paper sheet to capture weight, pressure and pulse |
Residence |
We have corrected a bug with the TCO calculation whereby the equipment cost was counted twice |
The cost of personnel is now included into the overall residence TCO calculation |
We have simplied the tracking of transformations |
We fixed a bug related to the posting of transformation cost to the financial statements |
Tenants |
We added for single period rentals the possibility to enter the exact date range and to show the average daily rate |
We added the possibility on the rental tab to book prepaid rentals into actual rental period |
We added a new tab to facilitate the entry of the tenant address and bank account details |
We added a new tab to register tenant feedback, observations and testimonials |
Talent |
We have added worksheets in PDF format for the management of Lominger behavioral competences |
We have added the possibility to print playing cards for the Rokeach Family Values Game |
Payments |
We have added the possibility to print the payment protocol after ebanking instruction generation |
We have sped up by a factor of 10 the processing and analysis of QR invoices |
We have added the application of OCR to PDF invoices with embedded images |
Statements |
We added a new worksheet to review actuals and set targets for the Griffith ratios |
Collectibles |
We have added a field to register the location or tag of an object |
We have added the taxonomy for photographs |
We have added subtotals by type in the valuation reports |
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Version |
60260 |
Released 30.01.2023 |
General |
The 60000 build range has reached end of life and will only receive selected improvements from now on |
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Version |
60254 |
Released 20.12.2022 |
General |
Automatic backups are no longer suggested for auxiliary workstations |
We have fixed an issue where accentuated characters in the system parameters were not allowed |
We have introduced many new default values during data entry |
We have added the possibility to download and re-install a fresh set of demo data |
We have implemented a recycle bin for deleted records |
We have doubled the speed of generating reports in PDF format |
Talent |
We have added an entry in the chart of accounts to track personal development expenses |
Payments |
In some cases for French and German installations the invoice was not recognized properly |
Statements |
We have improved the reliability of insights captures and prefill now additional data fields |
We have improved the ergonomy of the Griffith Ratio sharing |
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Version |
60250 |
Released 22.11.2022 |
General |
We have improved the ergonomy for screen sizes of the Surface Pro & Laptop family |
The full MyPrivate Family Office Handbook is now accessible from the Home screen |
Residence |
We have transferred the tenants and mortgages tabs to the new modules "Tenants" and "Mortgages" |
Tenants |
We have corrected a bug related to rental contracts in foreign currency |
We have implemented new analytics for the the [Tenants] module |
We have buillt & released the new [Tenants] module with increased ease of use |
Vehicles |
We have corrected the Vehicle analytics where lease and depreciation were double counted |
Accounts |
We have further improved the processing speed of the module |
Payments |
The payment types "Managed cash expense" and "Unmnagaed cash expense" have been deprecated |
Statements |
We have added a toggle to show/hide the chart of account codes |
Mortgages |
We have corrected an anomaly that occurred under certain circumstances during refinancing |
We have implemented new analytics for the the [Mortgages] module |
We have buillt & released the new [Mortgages] module with increased ease of use |
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Version |
60240 |
Released 30.09.2022 |
General |
We have added a tab in the control panel to view/manage the status of available scanner |
We have added the possibility to scan in duplex mode |
Accounts |
We have substantially improved the performance of balance calculations |
Taxes |
We added the option to export all tax deductible invoices for one or all tax accounts to a single folder supported by an Excel index |
We added the possibility to assign the fiscal account to a tax deductible invoice |
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Version |
60230 |
Released 31.07.2022 |
General |
We have improved the error correction flow including a traceability mechanism |
Mandatory fields are now marked with an asterisk (*) |
We published the MyPrivate Family Office Handbook on the MyPrivate Website (Manuals, English only) |
Residence |
We have added a new tab showing the Total Cost of Ownership of a residence, a single unit or fully consolidated view |
Accounts |
CAMT.051 entries are now also automatically matched against direct debits / card payments |
Payments |
We have fixed an issue where under some circumstances the household expenses would not be posted |
We fixed an issue where sometimes the description of the QR code was not extracted |
For Swiss domestic payments we supply the Clearing Number, eliminating the need to enter the BIC |
Statements |
The calculation of the Griffith ratios have been improved |
Events |
We have released the brand new Event Planning module. |
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Version |
60220 |
Released 31.05.2022 |
General |
We have added a parameter to customize the date format on the reports |
We have improved the stability of the Document Manager |
We have added the possibility to merge/harmonize user defined codes in the various modules |
System |
We fixed a bug whereby under certain conditions the synchronization would fail |
Residence |
We have fixed a bug whereby the rental income creation would fail under some conditions |
The layout of the summary reports for mortgages and tenants has been improved |
Accounts |
We have improved the performance of account balance calculations |
Payments |
When entering credit card invoices, it is now possible to specify the closing balance that will generate directly the period end statement in the Accounts module |
The ScannedMailFolder is now operational. When set, MyPrivate will load new scans in the database upon opening of the Payments module |
A currency conversion bug has been corrected that occurred during entry of a credit card invoice in foreign currency |
We have improved the error management in case the OCR handler cannot be found during bill analysis |
Users of a manual QR reader (eg pay-eye) can scan the QR code manually if needed |
We eliminated screen flickering during the retrieval of messages from Outlook |
When attaching a document to a payment MyPrivate will default automatically to the last folder |
Portfolio accounts can now be selected to register payments in the various modules |
Taxes |
The notion of tax deduction codes has been deprecated and replaced by a simple checkbox |
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Version |
60210 |
Released 31.03.2022 |
General |
Captions have been improved across all modules and the translations in german and french have been completed |
A new progress bar has been introduced; additional screen real estate has become available |
Attachments are now accessible directly from the summary view |
A new, improved document manager has been implemented |
The new MyPrivate Family Office Handbook is now available for download |
Temporary files created during OCR/QR analysis are now immediately cleaned up upon completion |
Residence |
The leasing installments and payyments are now directly accessible from the main tab. A new option has been added to toggle between installments/payments |
A total has been added on the lease payments summary screen |
Transformations can now be rolled up into a master project. A new option has been added providing consolidated totals for the project |
Rental income and payments are now directly accessible from the main tabs; in addition an option has been added to switch between tenants and toggle between payments/income |
The mortgage installments and payments are now directly accessible from the main tabs; in addition an option has been added to switch between mortgages and toggle between payments/installments |
On the mortgage summary screen the interest rate is now shown with 2 decimals |
Consumption totals are now shown, provided that the same unit of measure is used |
Personnel |
The payslip calculation engine has now also access to the detail of hours reported, as well as IBAN and BIC |
Due to a bug, in some cases the time on a time card would not display correctly |
The sort order of the tax return drop down in the posting tab has been improved |
Pension fund |
Due to a bug, an account number could not be entered into the Inpayments tab |
Ecology |
The layout of the main screen has been improved and the images have been refreshed |
Accounts |
CAMT053 files can now be imported automatically from a folder |
Payments |
A new parameter MP_MAX_OUTLOOK_DOCUMENTS (default 10) limits the number of new documents that will be retrieved by MyPrivate in one time |
If a Swiss QR code cannot be read, MyPrivate will now automatically apply OCR to retrieve Creditor Reference, IBAN and BIC |
The payment reconciliation form sorts now by date |
New parameters MP_RECONCILE_DEBIT_CARD and MP_RECONCILE_CREDIT_CARD have been added (default value is FALSE). If set, payments by Credit Card and Debit Card can be reconciled explicitly through the payment reconciliation form |
During payment reconciliation, an aoption has been added to filter on a specific account |
An issue was fixes where Swiss IBAN accounts with a letter at the end would not be recognized |
The performance of the OCR/QR analysis has been substantially improved |
During payment posting, if an object is required, a clear description is now displayed |
Support for UTF-8 (accents) has been added |
Possibility to use a QR code scanner (e.g. Pay-Eye) |
During OCR/QR analysis it is no longer needed to specify the type of search (IBAN/ESR/QR) |
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Version |
60180 |
Released 05.10.2021 |
General |
The navigator control status is now restored during opening of a module |
After installing an update the program no longer switches automatically to demo mode |
Residence |
One-off rental with manually entered period and rent can now be managed |
Pension fund |
Projections can now also be made by manually specifying monthly contributions |
Talent |
0 |
Family values can now be analyzed graphically |
Payments |
On non-english Office Installs the BVR and QR codes were sometimes not recognized |
The formatting of the analytics screen has been improved |
The list of invoices to be paid is now always sorted by due date |
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Version |
60170 |
Released 16.08.2022 |
General |
MyPrivate can now be installed on Windows with different system languages |
The performance of list views has been improved, as well as the analytics |
Operations |
Totals have been added for consumption on gas, water, wood and heating oil |
The type and manufacturer field list selection has been improved |
Credit card accounts could not be selected in some screens of the equipment module |
Payments |
Bank account and identifier entered on a payment are now copied automatically to the address record. |
The performance of the Payments module has been improved |
In some cases, invoices were posted to the wrong module tab. A screen to review and correct errors has been added. |
The performance of the Payments module has been improved |
Taxes |
A new setup table has been added to categorize tax deductible invoices |
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Version |
60160 |
Released 07.07.2021 |
General |
Improved color scheme for write-enabled fields |
The user now gets a warning if the screen resolution is too low |
Under certain conditions credit card spend was not visible in the modules |
System |
The synchronisation engine has been written and is now 10x faster and no longer requires SQL Server to be installed |
Operations |
A new tab in the equipment module reports on the household value for insurance purposes |
Vehicles |
It is now possible to mark a car as company-car, allowing to manage the information without being added to the family assets |
Personnel |
The german template for salary payments has been added |
Ecology |
The Ecology module now provides access to the year selector |
Accounts |
The sort order and year selection on closing statements have been corrected |
The account to account transfer has been split into a Transfer In and a Transfer Out screen for ease of use |
Payments |
Under certain conditions changing the allocation filter would crash the program |
The US bank and check payment methods have been merged into a single Bill-Pay method |
Collectibles |
Support for the Hovercam slingshot function |
The collectibles module will show only categories that contain at least one item |
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Version |
60150 |
Released 24.04.2021 |
General |
The account movements were not propagated correctly |
Added option to open the installation folder from the homepage |
Deprecated the rotating panels on the home screen |
Health |
The drop-down field for Illness/Accident did not filter correctly |
Vehicles |
Marking a vehicle as "commercial vehicle" caused a crash |
Statements |
Added capability to compare financial ratios against an external sample population |
Budget |
Added a new tab with the chart of accounts |
Portfolio |
Improved the error handling during the download of stock prices |
Collectibles |
Added a collectibles report without prices for benchmarking purposes |
Added the possibility to assemble a reporting book |
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Version |
60135 |
Released 12.03.2021 |
General |
This release includes the capability to import version 5 data |
Residence |
The summary view layout has been optimized, with increased search speed |
Accounts |
CAMT.053 statements without IBAN indication (e.g. Credit Suisse) can now be loaded using an alternate account number |
Payments |
The UK eBanking format (BACS) has been added |
Budget |
The "reset values" option on the budget is now operational |
Financing |
The drop-down list with suggested descriptions was incorrect |
Portfolio |
There is no longer the need to manually configure stock price retrieval parameters |
Cashflow transactions can now be applied against portfolio accounts as well |
If you create a limit order without a date the screen does no longer open |
Nutrition |
Print option has been added to the planning tab |
Steps have been added to the recipes |
Line numbers have been added to the recipe ingredients |
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Version |
60125 |
Released 02.02.2020 |
General |
All document tabs have the year selection disabledConfiguration parameter values are kept during updates |
The credit card account has been moved to the right category |
Various stability issues have been fixed |
After installing/reinstalling different scanners the listed names are now updated |
A new parameter has been added allowing to choose the preferred location for temporary files |
Closing the application through [X] allows the user to bypass the automatic backup |
Added panel with database health indicator and compact/repair function |
The setup procedure allows the user to change the default installation folder |
Residence |
Tenant email address used for rental receipt can now be entered directly |
Pension fund |
In some cases the closing balance of a statement was not taken into account |
Ecology |
Emissions related to nutrition are calculated |
Accounts |
Disable possibility to rename or delete account categories |
Payments |
Corrected an issue where BVR/ESR codes were not recognized correctly if not on last page |
Credit card payment restrict the account to a list of credit cards |
The program no longer crashes when Outlook parameters are incorrectly set |
When credit card payment is selected, object does not contain credit cards |
Collectibles |
Enabled possibility to add documents |
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Version |
60120 |
Released 19.01.2020 |
General |
Bug fix related to missing screen translation |
Added 200+ translations |
Payments |
Credit card payment restrict the account to a list of credit cards |
After selecting a new document type the object selection is no longer erased |
Payment date will default to spend date if not set |
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Version |
60118 |
Released 18.01.2020 |
General |
During installation the check on the Microsoft Access Versiion is no longer performed |
A number of missing primary keys have been added |
A parameter is now available to avoid rotating display of module highlights |
Obsolete equipment can now be hidden or shown in the Sports, Leisure and Pets modules |
Health |
An address created in the [Address] tab is now immediately available in other tabs |
Accounts |
Add cash transfer, then tab "cash [G] -> not updatabed balance |
Payments |
The PAIN.001 payment file has been adjusted to meet Swiss Postfinance requirements |
Document icons are now added imemdiately for files created by MyPrivate |
Posting of mortgage payments in the Paymemts module has been corrected |
Taxes |
The checkboxes Submitted and Accepted can now be changed |
Portfolio |
Missing translations in the Portfolio module have been added |
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Version |
60112 |
Released 04.01.2020 |
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Version |
60000 |
Released 09.01.2020 |
General |
New home screen layout with direct access to all modules |
View on 4 major exchange rates on the home screen with manual refresh option |
Screen layout resdesigned according to modern standards |
New home screen offers 4 customizable images to better distinguish between "own data" and "demo data" |
Anonymous submission of modules/tabs accessed to support a more foucsed development process |
Foreign currency rates are now automatically updated |
Expenses entered directly in the modules have now an expense date as well as a payment date |
Core engine rewritten for faster response times |
Filter by keyword capability on summary screens |
Implementation of a new, fresh orange/gray color scheme |
Redesigned reports with better rendering |
Integration of the calendar with important dates/events into the home screen |
Redesigned document manager with support for flatbed and automatic feeder |
Analytics accessible directly from within the modules |
Expenses entered directly in the modules can be allocated to a bank account |
System |
Redesigned engine leveraging SQL Server instead of File-based copy |
New synchronization engine allows for full and incremental inbound and outbound sync |
Family |
Integration of the addresbook into a new tab |
Insignt analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Health |
New tab allows you to track observations over time (e.g. moles) |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Pets |
New tab allows you to manage equipment related to your animals |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Residence |
Mortgage payment allocation redesigned from Open Item to Balance Forward for greater ease of use |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Rental income redesigned from Open Item to Balance Forward for greater ease of use |
Operations |
Aligment between all types of equipment |
Capability to allocate any type of equipment to a collectibles category |
New link between Equipment and the new Collectibles Module |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Simplified data entry screens for electricity, heating oil, water, gas and wood |
New capability to track and account for electricity produced (e.g. from solar panels) |
Vehicles |
Simplified data entry screen for tracking of consumption |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Insurances |
Redesigned 12-month rolling forecast of insurance premiums |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Coverage, inclusion and exclusions are now accessible from the home screen |
Pension fund |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Redesigned projected revenue at retirement for ease of use |
Ecology |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Accounts |
Transaction history collects movements from across all modules |
New Transfer Tab combines Account-to-Account movements and Manual Transactions |
Deprecated functionality to create payment file for account-to-account movements |
Payments |
New single page design for invoice processing, with data on the left and original document on the right |
Rebranded module from "Payments" to "Transactions" |
Support for the new Swiss QR Bill |
Reading of QR code by the software without need for extra equipment (e.g. Pay Eye or QR bar code reader) |
Capability to retrieve bills automatically from Outlook or a Folder |
Automatic extraction of IBAN and Swiss Reference Numbers from eBills in PDF format |
All types of spend are now easily classified through 4 main types and 8 subtypes |
Replacement of the 4 allocation drop downs by a single, multi-select list of all possible allocations |
Extensive error checking prior to posting combined with record lock after post |
Reconciliation tab has new capability to view all invoices and unreconcile |
Automatic extraction of IBAN and Swiss Reference Numbers from scanned documents through OCR |
Statements |
Option to share Griffith Ratios anonymously and benchmark own position |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Possibility to enter adjustments with audit trail |
Griffith Ratios are now calculated leveraging numbers from the financial reports |
Redesigned Griffith Ratio Analysis report |
Redesigned Balance Sheet report |
Redesigned Income & Expenses report |
Redesigned chart of accounts |
New Chart of Accounts tab |
Budget |
Redesigned budget leveraging the new chart of accounts |
Merging of the old Annual and Monthly views into a single Quarterly/Annual View |
A new tab shows detailed budgeted change in Net Worth |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Taxes |
An extensive tax preparation checklist is now included |
A new tab enables the review and selection of deductible invoices |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Financing |
Capability to track multiple loans in multiple currencies to family members or third parties |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Complete redesign of the module to better suit the needs of interfamily financing |
Allocation of reimbursements redesigned from Open Item to Balance Forward for greater ease of use |
Optional setup of a reimbursement schedule |
Portfolio |
New capability to manage cash portion in multiple currencies for a single portfolio |
Redesigned conversion from limit orders into transactions for greater ease of use |
New tab allowing the management of Materials, in addition of Stock/Bonds/Funds |
Replacement of the stock quote provider by a new, free stock service with high performance and access to 50 stockmarkets |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Collectibles |
Taxonomy for household objects marked as "collectibles" can be refined in this module |
New evaluation worksheet for inventory takes |
Access to appraisal reports (succession, tax, insurance) available as standard report |
Improved management of stones, colored stones and pearls for jewelry objects |
Refreshed taxonomy for 29 main categories of collectibles and 230+ predefined attributes |
Replaces the deprecated "Collections" module |
Improved management of custom attributes |
Sport |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Leisure |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Travel |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Checklists now supports both generic and trip specific items |
Nutrition |
The previous "Recipes" module is now renamed to "Nutrition" |
New capability to establish a meal plan based on your recipes for one or more weeks and review calorific values |
New capability to produce a single shopping list with required ingredients for the meal plan |
Cellar |
Insight analytics directly accessible from within the module |
Screen layout and transactions redesigned for greater ease of use |
New capability to manage cellar properties and capacity |
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